and i apologize --annia whirly. and eon james. everyone i have a time are everyone's got 3 minute there is is a 30 second warning it is a buzz when your time is up i will tell and you end your statement and move on. we're here, have your back and dph's back as we serve the people of san francisco. thank you all and look forward to working with you more throughout the budget season. >> thank you. >> apple krofrng. good evening. i'm apple and i -- stand with you. vulnerable and human a survivor of substance use disorder and formy homelessness in san francisco. i am deeply moved speak on behalf of the need for funding of over dose prevention programs and treatment services. i can say that if we are not for the resource, being available the oured it is i would be alive before you today would be very slim to none. i struggled with substance use for years. my journey lead me down to the streets of san francisco. and a large majority of the time i was broken, sleeping in cardboard boxes to give you an idea of where i was. but once i got