host: annie boyajian prior to the region -- prior to the invasion, where did you rank ukraine? guest: we have ranked as partly free. we have noted struggles with corruption but ukraine was on the right path. they had worked to start addressing those challenges. they had voted out folks who had been taking the country on a challenging path. unfortunately the progress they had been making is now -- they are focused on the war there. host: at the university of chicago former president obama spoke about russian and vladimir putin. here is what he had to say. >> vladimir putin represented a very particular reaction to the ideals of democracy, but also globalization, the collision of cultures, the ability to harness anger and resentment around an ethic known nationalist pathology, and what we are seeing is the consequences of that kind of toxic mix in the hands of an autocratic government that does not have a lot of checks and balances. i think it is also fair to say that it a bracing reminder for democracies that had gotten flabby and confused and feckless around the stakes of thing