any diggs what these -- was the -- annie diggs was the state librarian. when you first walk in, it is very welcoming. when you look up, there is a pineapple scenttencil all over. then there are bird faces eating berries on the sides of the walls. she is credited -- she was a populist. kansas was the only state beverly had populism. we had a couple populist governors and big figures. she reminded them at some point the bookshelf will be holding a lot of books so they did reinforce the floor knowing at some point there would be books on all of those shelves. there is a glass floor. at that time, a lot of libraries had that. and people got electricity, they got rid of those glass floors. we kept ours. the glass goes around the bookcases and you can see between. we had to original book lifts that librarians can still make today to move the books up and down. we also have the dome tour that you can climb 200 96 steps and go to the top of the building. we have taller than the nation's capital by 18 feet. we are one of the few capitals that can go to what we con