so, our next presenter is annie lou aloe director from the [speaker not understood] and she will be presenting, again, her audit plans for the year-ending june 30th, 2013, as well as going over the four findings that we have related to the rest of the city ~. so, that would be -- we have one financial statement finding which is material witness related to the successor agencies to the former redevelopment agency. and you have three single audit findings. one is for dph, office of environment, and the office of emergency management. >> great, thank you so much. >> good afternoon. i actually prepared a powerpoint presentation for you. today i'm going to go over the audit results for 11-12. i'm actually here to present two reports, city reports. the first one is the city's comprehensive annual financial report or what is known as the c-a-f-r. the second report is the board as the governing body of the city. and lastly the third report is the single audit report which is the compliance audit of the city's federal program. i do want to mention that [speaker not understood]. we audit all of the city