houses, and i matter and i actually -- [inaudible] i got to know that every when i got to know annie plummerdied in 2000 from breast cancer. she really has had a huge impact on people, and it was a great idea to make sure that everybody has a dictionary. >> so since 1995 when you founded "the dictionary project" along with -- french, how many dictionaries have gone out to children? >> over 33,700,000. >> how do you get them out there? >> through civic organizations. the project started out with writing grants and then i spoke to different organizations about this idea because they were intrigued with the idea of dictionaries and, of course, literacy so important and everyone is always trying to keep people learning new words and basically from becoming illiterate in schools. so they took it on a literacy project. most organizations have to have a literacy program as part of their charter that the implement. this was an easy program to do and really you get the best bang for your buck. you can reach the most people for the amount of money that it costs and it has a a very long-term impact. mo