. >> annie wong. >> good afternoon. >> my name is annie. i am part of the adopt an alleyway campaign academy. i believe that students are the future. education is free. we rely on transportation to get to school. students are required to go to school. why should they be required to pay to go to school? >> thank you. >> ralph. >> my name is ralph. i am a freshman at the high school as well as a youth leader. with the yellow school buses drastically cut, many will have to rely on muni for transportation. afterschool they walk to chinatown. this is a really long distance, trust me. that's because it's unaffor dable. when i mean youth, i mean all of them. none of us should feel that muni is a low-income form of transport. >> michele, deron davis. >> good afternoon. >> good afternoon. i am in my junior year in high school. i am here to support free muni for youth. my mom is a single mom. she has two jobs to support my brother and myself. she couldn't afford it. i was thinking of good way to help my mom. also, to make it family- friendly. thank y