in israel, after four elections in two years, with a fifth looming, the people earlier for annika sorenstam the dolt. -- earlier for an antedolt. calm, stability. an honest attempt at political normalcy. you see, inertia is always the easiest choice but there are moments in time where leaders have to take the wheel a moment before hitting the cliff, face the heat but then drive the country to safety. and that's exactly what we did. about 100 days ago, my partners and i formed a new government in israel. the most diverse government in israel's history. what started as a political accident can now turn into a purpose and that purpose is unity. you think, today we sit together around one table. we speak to each other with respect. we act with decency and we carry a members of the jury. things can be different. even though we harbor very, very different political opinions, we're sitting together for the good of our nation. it's ok to disagree. it's ok -- in the, let's say vital that different people think different live. it's even ok to argue. ufc, healthy detective is the basic tenant of the j