annika asks, there are any future project you hope to tackle that developed out of the work that you did for this book? >> you know, the one word version, one word answer, yes. i think-- i had another idea, but the more i think about it, i'm getting advice including some from david that, i might want to keep turning on this a little bit and because in many ways, i realized, again after i'd finished this whole thing that the last three books, ramparts, grateful dead and hunter thompson are a kind of informal trilogy about the san francisco counter culture. if you add in kerry mcwilliams, he's not counter figure, he is, but some advice from knowledgeable people, maybe there aren't enough books about san francisco. i mean, there's certainly a lot of good ones and david's written one of the west "seasons of the witch", but i think there are still some more here and i think, you know, the fact that people have responded positively to it, not just mine, but david's and others, is a sign that there are still some stories to tell. not just for us, but for broader audiences as well. . >> well