. >> this is not as traditional as what we've done in the past in terms of announcinga city budget . because the fact is it's so important to me that when we talk about these budget numbers and we talk about these things that we need to do that we definitely understand the people that make those things happen yes, as mayor i take all the credit for all the good stuff . i take credit for the badstuff too but at the end of the day , the reason why many of the great things that you hear about happening in san francisco, they happen because of so many of the people attending with me here today. the department heads, various these services,nonprofit agencies . the restaurants, the businesse . it's all of us. we really are in this together and as we come out of this globalpandemic went try to remember that . we're here to helpwith this city. we're here to focus on the positive . we are here to develop our own narratives, our own about what san francisco truly is and what it means to us and what it can mean to a visitor when they have a wonderful experience what it can mean to the kids whos