i went up to anokhina's vdavi i wanted to prepare her, but she felt everything i had to say for a longcould not calm her down, then my son arrived. condolences sit down, i have all this our says, it hurts so much. someone has to work to support us. now i will do it for the last month. i would only understand who they have, i know who we are dealing with. i narrowed down the search. and so, and kaberta kuev, a native of tajikistan, klitschko dar , organized a powerful drug trafficking of mushrooms from afghanistan through the countries of the former eurasian economic community. what did you get? we have 10 years at the request of tajikistan was extradited and returned, i wonder why and why i issued him a visa, i tried a question with the migration service, but he didn’t cross such a border of the russian federation, he was an illegal immigrant, which would burn his search. listen, this free shooter shouldn't be here. killing everyone from right to left, we will take yes, yes, if we find the last tanks before it, we need to speed up the decoding of the recorders. i'm not sure that they w