giving up simply isn't anoption. now to africa, acontinent with 58 countries and 1.2 billion people.but just how linked up are they? less than a third of africanshave internet access -- most of them in south africa, kenya, andnigeria. in 2015, there were 226 millionregistered smartphone sim-cards. however, that number is set totriple by 2020. and that's influencing urbanhipsters in their choice of work.reporter: cape town's waterfront up their internet platform tohelp young african women achieve their professional organizes workshops and events across africa onnetworking, drawing up busines plans, and marketing and prstrategies. this weekend, thoko miya isrunning a workshop on programming for youngentrepreneurs. computer science and softwaredesign are still very much male-dominated miya: science, technology, engineering and math areextremely important because n africa -- and i think it is aphenomenon around the world -- women often are told, you wouldbe better at something els, and that's why we