tavis: so the source of the alcoholism, the depression, the anorexia -- same source, or multiple factorsl this on? >> that's the million-dollar question, it really is. i think it's genetic, to some degree. i think it's situational to some degree. i think if one has an additive nature, i'm not sure where that comes from. that could be genetic as well. but it's just something i got, you know? the depression is a lot of it, and i think that's genetic, genetic and biological. so running from that takes a lot of forms. tavis: how do you not run from it but ward against it in the future? >> oh, well, that takes some learning, and i was quite young when i started showing symptoms of it, and we didn't know what to call it. it was early mid-'60s and lived in a small town, provincial, and nobody knew what was wrong. so it took a while to get the proper kind of help, which was meds, and that's how you ward -- well, there are other ways. medicine is very, very helpful. tavis: is one way, yeah, yeah. >> well, for some of us it's the main way. for me it is, anyway. sleep, exercise, reducing stress, th