that would come from anrease in the hotel room tax. but carroll says... owners and developers shouldn't ask the public to front an investment for the stadium. that's the real danger why does the public have to finace the investment for people that are already wealthy" if legislators vote in favor of the stadium, the project will create jobs, especially during the construction phase. and nearby businesses will benefit. activites near the stadium will gain, property values would go up, but if you draw activities from other places, property values and economic activity could go down elsewhere. he adds if the stadium succeeds... the owners will be the ones getting the payoff. "what you really need to do is sit back and say is this a good deal. and if it's such a good deal why does it have to be publically financed" developers argue the public funding portion will be the form of a hotel tax, not by las vegas locals. question: stadium supporters also say this project will translate to long term, big picture economic growth for the valley. awnser: developers say