farrell, absent, kim, ansent. mar, aye. tang, aye wiener aye. yee, aye. the item passes >> okay,ite nl number 3 >> chairs report, this is a information item >> colleagues this month we had money transportation events and mile stones. last week mayor lee and a number of members of the authority participated with record number thofz public in the 21 annual bike the work day which is funded with prop k sales tax dollars. [inaudible] showed bikes accounted for 76 percent of all inbound traffic on market street between 8:30 and 9:30 a.m. many culleges joined mayor lee and san francisco bike coalition at city hall and their own executive director [inaudible] saent photo showing [inaudible] this week as well the central subway project celebrated a mile stone. the contractor for 1.4 mile twin tunnels for the pauject completed work. the final element of the contract including 5 crass passagess and head walk [inaudible] and construction pit. the photo's looked great. at a total cost of 251 million there work was completed on schedule and within budget. work on the