gobbling up grain contracts and gambling on prices using highly complex derivatives the same point anshul instruments used to sell junk mortgages as great investments to workers' pensions and retirement funds its rampant speculation created artificial demand for grains which in turn artificially inflated food prices banks toure's essentially use the price of corn as their own personal poker chip. it goes without saying that more regulation is needed to prevent bubbles like the two thousand and eight crisis but really that's just the beginning the world economy is still reeling from what wall street did two thousand and eight both the food crisis and the financial meltdown and cash strapped governments are pursuing harsh austerity measures while banker bonuses are higher than ever so isn't asking wall street to pay just a fraction of a percent in new taxes so that our economy can continue making necessary investments in infrastructure health care education and perhaps most importantly climate change the least we should ask from the bankers i'm joined now by janet redmond co-director for th