carley sollars and ansley bowles. she kind of just acted like everyone's mom because she was so caring. she was tall, and everybody, all of our friends are so short. and so it was always like she stuck out. and she didn't care that she was tall. she wore heels and wedges and whatever. and so we would go places, and she would just, like, tower over all of us, which made the mom thing even more funny because she would, like, huddle over us. the mom and all her kids. yeah. and so people always-- like, she was the first one that they noticed. the world was kind of like her catwalk? yeah, pretty much. andrea canning: beautiful girl? yeah. i love when i get told that i look like her. it makes me really happy. aw. that's really sweet. andrea canning (voiceover): but halee's beauty was more than skin deep. tattoos, like this one on her back, testified to her strong faith. i said prayers to the girls every night. andrea canning (voiceover): tharon rathgeber is halee's dad. tharon rathgeber: and at the end of our prayer, the mo