he is going to be looking at trying to get an important agreement,anspacific for instance, passed through congress, that would see trade ease between the u.s. and asian partners. e will be working on the number of other issues -- campaign promises from one of the first ones he ever made, closing guantÁnamo. he wants to see if there is some kind of executive action he could take in order to make that happen. there is going to be tough opposition from congress, but he thinks, for instance, that he can mention the economic and financial arguments that call for closing the facility, which cost american taxpayers a lot of a yearly basis. that is not the only issue he wants to work on. he wants to see judiciary reforms enacted in order to get people, especially those who committed nonviolent crimes come out of completely overloaded jails. those are just some of the issues that he wants to keep working on. the last one, very important one to him, is to work on getting democrats to replace him in the white house. we are probably going to see barack obama on the campaign trail sometime soon. chris