this colony appears to be thriving but on the antarctic peninsula to the east of here it's a different story. there is this woman faster than any other place on the planet colonies of a daily penguins like these have been abandoning their nesting sites and moving south. perhaps in search of colder locations. certainly up sitting many hundreds if not thousands of years of breeding bahagia. i've the previous weeks we've been to some extraordinary places and seen dramatic evidencef climate change it's change many of the scientists feel should be ringing alarm bells and the rest of the world. in the same wayhat the changing in terms of ectually distribution pattern the sea is warming off the antarctic peninsula. glaces a retreating. out fixie isis artist lois -- yet known these are all indications of the world as a whole is warming -- and tha we need to be concerned about the future we certainly do know enough. to say we need to act now we should have ted yesterda. figurative speaking there's not much time -- to postpone action into the future i think - where were very clear about thi? we