good morning, you're on with anthea hartig. anne, are you with us this morning? >> caller: yes. good morning. >> go ahead, anne. >> caller: yes. well, two things. perhaps your engineers could put up a picture of a woman in a hobbled skirt. my mother paraded for era way back -- i'm 97. when she paraded, she was wearing one of those hobble skirts. >> fantastic. that is great. >> caller: question, the e.r.a. please get it through. >> thank you. thank you, ma'am. thank you for your long life, i am sure well lived, and for your mother's advocacy as well. the equal rights amendment, technically the last state -- virginia just ratified it and we are waiting for the legal rulings as to whether that ratification process will be complete, but the long fight continues for equal rights for women, both with the big convention in 1977, and as you will see in our exhibition, the women's march of 2017. the arc continues. anne in cape canaveral, thank you. >> take us back a little bit to the beginning of the equal rights amendment, why the supporters of it felt like it was needed in the decades