this imymy ding areaea and on thehe other side e we e our wo tooools, plow, , anthis isis the yoke, wch we curry ususe for the oxoxen. anand here on ththis side i hay shrine. these are our ancestors, who protect the house. and we have the animal goods that we take from dead alpacas that we find. they serve to make payment to the goddess pachamama. th i is where we e eat. we call creaeamed corn lawawa. but on specific occasions, we also eat guinea pig, not daily. guinea pig is a traditional dish that is eaten on special occasions,s, like birthdhdaysd baptisms. these stones aren't ea t to fifind. is o one ithe fefema and this one is the mal they're used to lilish ando chisel d herere whave thehe pututu. it's an ininstrument thahat the indigenousus group calleled the chaskis used to communicat you have to blow hard. that's a putututu. goodbye. have a n nice trip. ta c care ofoursrself.oodbyeye. host: today in global ideas, we look at how to insure yourself against the effects of climate change. droughts and flooding now pose a bigger threat to farmers t thn ever before. in the rural r re