he shallier this month the fbi arrested a man from oklahoma called anthony alfred griffith. g to the fbi, here's anthony alfred griffith's crime. he walked into the capitol building, threw open doors, and took pictures.il then he handed those pictures to federal investigators. here's the fbi's criminal complaint against golden gate transit. accuses him of, quote: witnessing multiple people trying to break down a door. oh, he saw it happen. so, for the crime of witnessing other people of trying to break down a door, anthony alfred griffith now faces seven years in prison. don't worry, people like anthony alfred griffith, our leaders tell us are extreme i. uses and white supremacists and our military needs to be laser focus on making certain that no one votes like these people do can ever serve in the armed forces again. >> we absolutely need to look at any type of white supremacists that are still members of the military and how they are being targeted for recruitment by white supremacist groups and we need weed this out. this whole idea of police officer on police officer vio