. >> anthony chan joins us to talk about what lower oil prices mean for the economy. okay, anthony, you've heard the conversation. there are two sides to this story. one is that low oil prices helps u.s. consumers. the other is that it hurts increasingly significant u.s. proders. on balance, is oil at $80 a barrel, at 75, at 70 a good thing for the american economy? >> well, remember, when oil prices come down, it certainly gives a big boom to consumers adding as much as a billion a more for every penny gasoline prices go down. but as you always know, whenever something happens there's two sides to the issue. will it cut some capital expenditures and some jobs? of course. but you have to ask yourself what on net is the balance. on net a bigger positive contribution to the overall economy given that consumer spending the close to two-thirds of the economy and given the fact that capital spending on oil services and exploration is such a small share of the employment market that you all of a sudden see these fuel prices come down, you'll have more demand for goods and se