. >>> the consequences of that cut a fumble labor release for the aging anthony pike could have been much for worse. >>> because the pie plate that was closed in of the field movie in the pipe which at eighth he said that flows so come content inside. she apologized on behalf of the company. >>> right now on we are fed up. we are angry and i'm just trying to become here. >>> chevron must be assured for all protected in the future. this gives me to look at my window. >>> to prevent someone like this from happening again chevron has installed pollution monitors are rather refinery. >>> he investigators from 10 hidden cameras in the san francisco is home one of the cameras was found in a teddy bear. eric d. lewis of principle was arrested on drug charges thursday. he appeared in court yesterday. >>> about 1/4 of an ounce of methamphetamine the seven panels of india may or access the have record files of chp. >>> in lieu of 25 doesn't dollars belt at this point there's no indication of any crime involving children of the school. in other sectors as the man is doing " to the suspected of