there are more than 2700 coping families in india it's the largest section after germany father anthony raj has been director of culp in india for the past 10 years. from. the world. vision. and separate property with dozens of little houses on it is one of most unusual projects since 2016 this settlement has been providing shelter for people who have an especially hard life in india and suffer from discrimination. transgender people as he dress surprisingly perhaps hardly any of the residents are coping members or even christians. the community provides support. looked down on by indian society in general and often rejected by their families some of them form alternative families of their own. many have learned a trade or even have a university degree but it's almost impossible for them to find a regular job most resort to begging or become sex workers the community here and having adequate housing helps them to get a fresh start. the next step will be to secure an income. while. we're also people and created by god we haven't done anything wrong we're like other people but nobody understa