on the fast line right now anthony scaramucci of skybridge capital. anthony, after tomorrow is the coast clear? we're getting some static here. >> i'll tell you i'm not so sure about the coast being clear for goldman. but here is what's going to happen in this slugfest tomorrow, and here's the backdrop. number one, goldman is clearly losing in the court of public opinion. you can see the stock continuing to trade lower. the central thesis being this uncertainty will be a cloud over its stock and other financial services stocks. number two, they have whistleblower rhys many. an angry spouse, somebody in there leaking another bad situation for goldman. and lastly, if they win, it's sort of a pyrrhic victory. look for the s.e.c. to really gear up and continue to look hard at goldman. >> anthony, we're going to leave it there. we have some static on the line here, so it's kind of hard to -- but thanks for calling in. we appreciate it. >> my pushback to anthony is what other types of spouses are there? angry spouses -- >> mrs. adami, guy apologizes. >> good