anthony trollope, adequate us at the beginning of the book, said something similar the great lord ofthe americans face in their wondrous contrivances, and their patent remedy for the usually troubled operations of life. the small things. this, this is what i meant about the miracle of the mundane. because the there right now are so many millions of these independent inventors and innovators, and they are making things that are small that get taken for granted things that we mock. andrew mentioned to me he lives a couple doors down from the guy who originated the selfie stick, which i had my first encounter with in the overflow room, hey. right? so in bernie sanders world who needs a selfie stick? right? mr. decider of need and wants. doesn't that aptly describes to me of these do-gooders and control freaks in washington? why'd you get to decide what i need? what i want what i deserve what i am entitled to. why is it that i'm a selfish one and you you the liberty inhibitor are the doer of public good? it's opposite world. and to be able to not only expose this but to do with a happy s