as he does so, they do attack anthony wayne's legion. as this unfolds, he realizes that this army is different than the other two armies that he had previously faced. he goes back to the grand council, and he says this army is different. he says i'm not sure the british are actually going to involve themselves in our fight. we really may need to consider negotiations. at this point in time the council votes, and they decide they do want to continue with military action. when they do decide that little turtle actually hands over the reins to blue jacket. blue jacket is from the shawnee and he is warrior minded. and he is ready to take this fight to the united states legion. the native americans have built their village right behind fort -- which is a fully constructed fort, garrisoned with the british at this point in time. under general campbell. anthony wane on august 17th has made it to -- as he gets there which is just outside of our battlefield, he is going to stage there. he is going to go to camp deposit. as he does that he send so