congressmaa anthony weinee is coming clean...presentative admitted monday... that iss twitter account was never 3 oneewho posted the photo.the -3 situation cameeto light... after weener allegedly sent a &psshrtless picture of laat monthh 3 to be clear, the picture was of me and i sent ii. i m family aad my onstituents, my friends, supporters, and 3 3 despite all this... the congressman says he has no plansson stepping down. -3& house deeocratic leader naacy -33 pellsi is calling for an & ethics ccmmittee innestiggtion... to see if any -3 house rules were violated. as &pfor weinee's marriage... the congresssan says he is notá planning on separating from pis wife. &p--teacher yelling--- ,3 this is a lesson a student pon'ttsoon forget...a lorida high school ttacher won't face charges ... evennthough she punched a studeet.saadra hadsock wasscaught on a sttdent's celllphone camera in a fight ith a oy... wwh she -3says calleddher a vulgar ame. the video apppars tooshow her 3 was arressed and plaacd on indefinite leave. but... prosecuto