. >> in this day and age when you have anthony weiner who feel like it's appropriate to take picturesweet them. no politician should think that anything they do is off the record. why would they? >> do you think it would have been normal in an earlier age? [ laughter ] >> to michelle's point, in fact they do think that they still are -- should be treated differently. to your point, howard, that, yes, you're not going to play this because i'm the congressman, and that's all the more reason to show it. >> next up, republican oversight chairman darrell issa goes rogue. he's known to be ruthless and inappropriate during hearings. but he crossed the line during an irs hearing in march when he turned off elijah cummings's microphone mid hearing. he picked the wrong guy to try to silence. let's watch. >> for the past year, the central republican accusation -- >> we're adjourned, close it down. [ inaudible ] >> before our -- [ inaudible ] >> thank you. >> i am a member of the congress of the united states of america! i am tired of it! >> well -- >> we have members over here, each who represen