it's what we call the anthropocene.been interested in moss, in water, in the ephemeral, in natural phenomena. it was obviously very easy for me to start thinking about, can i use my artworks to make explicit what it is that the scientists are talking about? what is it the politicians are talking about? what is the data report that the un is making for us, the cop? because for ordinary people, it can be difficult to think, what can i do with this massive data report? what does this have to do with me? so i think one of the things i was interested in is simply making tangible what it is that's going on. so the ice watch project, quite frankly, offers the opportunity to look at the ice from greenland and say, oh, this is what they're talking about. this is the ice. and interestingly, it's actually very touching. and you put your hand on it, you go, oh, its really cold. and you kind of know it's ice, it's cold. but still, feeling it on your own hands, as banal as it might sound, it's amazing. and then you just realise, oh,