if the potomac river iraging wildly on your dayff, then you might want to try kayaking on antietam creis section that we're on is pretty much like what you'd call a pull and drop sectn. narrator: this expition offers easy espe tohe world-class beauties of the blue ridge. thiss, by and large, whatntietam's all about. narrator it's a serene paddleostly, but it has itsxciting moments. at antietam, civil war history flows deep guide: we'll be in the balefield from the time weut on until the time wtake out, and it's kind of neat. narrator: historic burnside brid is amo the most photographed in america. you can take out belothe bridge, ride the rapids furtr downstream. in eher case, let the ne adventure begin. man: yeah! narror: now, if your sense oadventure includesind games, then try letterboxing-- a scavger hunt for grown-ups. letterboxings a treasure hunt inublic places with a little piecof art as a souvenir. ten it's in the woods, but sometimes it's in urban plac and surprising plas. n: "hunter aims his b at the v-shapeface of taurus the bu. will miss." rrator: letterboxing clues are po