to historically used as antinausea. they went to israel what happens in the u.s. is a schedule one drug which means it's highly addictive. that restricts all research in the united states. the only people that can relate research easily of the national institutes of drug abuse. in their mandate is to find all of the harmful effects of cannabis. and they really haven't found very many. is that we do what we do is we pay the israelis. i spent several days with him. the system of receptors was discovered. the receptor system is dense in the brain. that is what they respond to. they found the receptor system and they did know what chemicals were triggering this. when i had receptors in our body to respond to things in plants. sometimes it's coincidental like with opium. but the differences there are no can have a noise. that controls the heart of the lung. that's important. if you take too much they're sending shutting down those two essential organs. because cannabis doesn't have any receptors no one has ever died. it's just a fact. after a couple of years they did f