after a £23 million makeover, and through its refurbished doors pour today's visitors to the antiques roadshowhoping to impress our experts with their own private treasures. so, how long has it taken you to bring this band together? it took me about 15 years in all. and why did you do it? well, i was fortunate enough to work for a man called tom roberts, who was my father's partner in business, and he was a real wise old sage, and knowledgeable, and he was, um, very much into collecting meissen china. one christmas, i went along to his house, and i saw his collection of monkeys, and i was fascinated by this. i was about 19 or 20. he said, "well, you might as well start your collection with that one." so he gave you this bagpiper? yes, he gave me that, and from time to time, he gave me ones which had duplicates. aha. now, by duplicates, actually, in this case, we've got "quadruplicates" 'cause we have a little team of spice girls singing off their scores here. you've got four singers. any particular reason? there are supposed to be four singers in the meissen monkey band-- two looking left and