seems to me that the principle of affirmative action is really underwritten by principle of antisubordination, then any group that is subordinated ought to be considered as part of the attempt to make the walls within certain institutions more porous. i am also release struck by the factors you now have a phenomenon in certain schools that have sporting teams for example where girls are demographically apparently much better students than boys. they mature faster so in colleges you find many schools that have a greater proportion of women than men. many schools particularly those with football teams have been introducing affirmative action for bullets just across the board. nobody seems to see any irony in that or any problem with that. it does seem to me that if one thinks about this as a representational problem, seeking a conversation where there is balance as well as anti subordination then you broaden the conversation more generally. there's a great deal of conversation about whether or not a black person who's very privileged should get affirmative-action or not. you really think racism