antiamerican, antiwhite have criticisms from the left, this is an antimexican column, you're demeaning a very serious subject which is the treatment of mexicans right now in the united states. some people think it's not funny, all right, fine, some people say it's not racist enough against mexicans, it's not racist enough but to me it tells the column is doing its duty. it was mexicans specially we are the monkey in american relationships, historically, black and white, maybe asian, of course indians are all on reservations, who cares about them and then you get mexicans, americans have never been able to figure out, do we hate them more than blacks, are they lower or higher than blacks and a lot of thing have been written about. the great oral historian he once interviewed a mexican-american in chicago, we were the buffered zone between ethic whites of chicago and the african americans, we weren't as racist as the white folks. the white people can't relate but we were kind of in the middle. it's interest