. -- from antolia. that doesn't seem helpful. can you give me your perspective on whether we'll be table achieve resolutionen of cyprus. are those facts complicating? opportunities? how do you see it? >> i wish i could do the diplomatic thing and say i'm optimistic and there's progress but i don't want to mislead. on the first part of your question, i don't believe the changes in the military leadership in turkey will make any difference one way or the other in terms of prospects for the solution we have been after for so long in cyprus. i don't think it's entirely germane. the military is not calling the shots on this. on this policy of the government of turkey. as to the prime minister's statements, i would rather not parse his statements and say anything here that makes it any harder than it already is for the united nations secretary general special representative downer. he has succeeded in getting president -- the president and turkish community leader to commit to meeting with some frequency, i believe twice a week, from n