of people you may have heard of, for example, anton chekhov, a wonderful playwright, wrote a column in his early years. and he called smirnov by name and other watchmakers satan's number of blood. so he didn't mince words at all. another critic was tolstoy. and tolstoy, i didn't notice know this, but i did learn this, he was a very prominent tempers advocate in russia and he devoted much of his writing and much of his talking and much of his energy to the sobriety movement. in fact, there's a great story about tolstoy calling people together in his village, putting a sheet of paper down on a big table, basically a document and telling all the men i want you to sign this document. the document basically said i'm going to give up drinking. i'm going to give up smoking. i'm going to give up all of these terrible vices, because tolstoy really believe that it didn't your conscience and that made russian people do things they wouldn't otherwise do. and that was why russia wasn't more productive and successful. so he got all of these people to sign this, and that he actually had a ditch dug a