uncomfortable and so sharp, in general, this cannot be the task of the theater, i didn’t write about it anton pavlovichovr some reason no one deals with this very difficult thing, so let’s give a hint, antom pavlovich, in my opinion there’s something there about this, let’s talk about it now like this more strongly, so yes, now it’s so fashionable in cinema to make all sorts of remakes, to rethink already known plots, and in the theater , of course, the classics, yes, including the theater of satire, are aiming at them, so, but how important are new works, fresh, as they say, modern playwrights, very important, very important, but are there enough of them or not so much, what are there enough of them in general playwrights ide, no , no, not enough, not enough, in any case, i ’ll tell you this, all our attempts to date are somehow tie your... fate, life, work, with young authors, they are not very successful, no, we have, we have , we are lucky, we seem to find, but during this time i met, re-read a lot of plays, you know, i’ll tell you this, i didn’t i don’t want to offend, i’m not interfering anywhere,