tad lipsky is the director of the antonin scalia law school. he served as the acting director of the ftc's bureau of competition, between february and june 2017. before joining the fcc, he was a partner and previously served as chief antitrust lawyer for the coca-cola company and of the antitrust division of the administration. jonathan camper is a cochair of the antitrust group at paul weiss, where he focuses on antitrust litigation and counseling. he currently represents some of the most notable companies, including news publishers, digital media agencies, providers of online services and streaming data providers. he previously worked at the bureau of competition. before we begin, i would like to swear in each of the witnesses. if you would stand and raise your right hand. do you swear that the testimony you're about to give will be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you god? we will start with you and you may begin. >> chairman lee, ranking member klobuchar, senator blumenthal, i am grateful for the opportunity to