stay with us. >> this is talk to al jazeera, and i'm antonio morra joining me today is richard lewis from curb your enthusiasm. >> how 'bout the new sitcom you're in-- which is gonna-- >> well, this is-- yeah, it premieres august 22nd, it's-- >> --be on starz with patrick stewart, as you said. it-- it's kind of gone full circle, you're playing a shrink? >> yeah, but i'll tell ya, full circle in another way. for-- as playing a psychiatrist, you know, i run into a lot of these actors on-- i don't watch a lotta tv, i like to watch the news and foreign films and documentaries a lot. and-- but, you know, i know-- i know the c-- the actors, certainly, and some of these shows have been on for-- and i run-- "hey, mr. lewis." "don't call me mr. lewis, r-- please. richard." "hey, you're doin' great, you won five emmys. the show's fantastic." and-- and i-- and they say, "what are you doin'?" i-- and i-- and i-- i-- i don't wanna mention his name, but-- because i've forgotten. >> (laugh) >> but he's a big star, been on a show for, like, 10 years. young k-- probably 35 by now, t-- 40, he says "ri