secretary general antonio tatar she's calling for a bold action warning that the world risks passing the point of no veto negotiators have been tasked with ironing out the rules for implementing the 2015 paris climate agreement which countries have agreed to demi to global warming to less than 2 degrees celsius above pre-industrial temperatures united states one of the world's biggest carbon emitters is represented even though president trump pulled his country out of the deal but that doesn't take the full effect until late next year . we are indeed still in. unfortunately we are having to fight our way through a bit of a blockade by the fossil fuel industry but that will not prevail and the america that you know the america of leadership the america of progress the america of confidence the america of clean and green energy. people like secretary kerry and president obama's work at the original paris capa something we should all reflect on while we're here today that america will be back and as he said yes we are still in. scientists have long warned that climate change is leading