gangrene , i haven't tried but there is such a practice, just half a kilo of sugar, just half a kilo, antselits own, god, i asked everyone, no one has it, only you, help, give me gold, what kind of gold do you have, i saw it, right here, round gold, you you look through it into the sky, you think, no one sees, i can’t, no, i can’t, my son feels bad, we need sugar, antsel said, sugar. can help, help me, give it to me, you stole it, you stole it along with yours, you didn’t give it away, he’s hiding it in the village at the same time, comrade partisans, comrade kishelev, he has gold, let him will give it back, comrade kiselev, comrade antser, you have gold, i won’t give it up, i’m... this, this is not gold, my father gave it to me, i can’t, i won’t give it back, this is my family shelev, let him show, show , what you have, i can’t, show me, i can’t give it away, just show me, i’ll give it back, what is it, a watch, no, it’s an astralabe. i told you that truk is the most expensive thing for me, keep it, this is not in return for you masha, this is as collateral, the simplest example of ek'. rel