anupi singla is a food a tv reporter turned cookbook author.rter for c ltv and a business reporter for bloomberg news and for wgn. she is a contributor to the new book beginvegan 101: master's feet in cookingster vegan cooking in 101fgreat recipe/.. ... you are just really getting more fruits and vegetables to your daily die atiet.. we eat these mustard greens and it's a fantastic way to prep them what i am going to show you your check out these chop these... this will have a more pungent taste then say tail or spinachkale or collard greens.. to this we add some chopped onion and this is all being put together in me slow cooker we are adding garlic and some serrano chile and a little bit of corn meal a couple of tablespoons ... that's essentially all of the fresh ingredients and now we will add spices ... i made a box of seven essential indian spices and it's being sold at williams sonoma ... they're all very healthy turmeric , corriander, i did a cookbook called the indian slow cooker and that's available on my b log ... this is such an easy d