i'll tell you an example, when anya dolynska wrote that shir is doing a charity concert in birminghamen it turned out that he's not doing it, he's just participating, and how later the organizers, after the organizers refused us e- e in participating in this charity concert. well, because we are military, there is another very important nuance. antibodies in full force remained in kyiv. that is, we were not afraid. and in principle, we had the opportunity to become a full force in kyiv in any place and to play this tv, we knew it, we understood, that 's why we offered it in the end. when we were refused, then a mass, well, it just started. a barrage of uh, uh, various uh, journalistic requests, we gave interviews to just a huge number of foreign media, you can simply call any which media world and it took an interview with us, we talked, it happened between performing tasks, uh, crouching sideways, uh, whatever the zoom was . they asked but you were refused and you want to make a joint song , maybe there will be some kind of collaboration, there is everywhere , he replied, see antibod