. >> anyhoo, there came to my attention years ago a character by the name of bass reeves. bass reeves was a deputy united states marshal on the frontier in the 1870s and '80s. that was when the united states government decided to heck with the treaties we've made with the indians; we're taking over the we're opening up the oklahoma territory to settlers. they wanted that area cleared of bad guys, so they sent a federal judge whose name was isaac parker, a very famous guy, the hanging judge, to the frontier, which at the time was ft. smith, arkansas. he and his u.s. marshal, i think the guy's name was clements or something like that, hired a bunch of deputies, black, white and indian, and their job was to clean out oklahoma territory, get all the bad guys out of there. bass reeves was one of the best at the job. best man hunter. he said he killed about 14 men, but he was not a killer. he was very reticent to kill people, he'd rather bring them in, hand them over. but he was really good at his job. never heard of him, did you? tavis: mm-mmm. >> right. so i really wanted to d