according to the head of rosobrnadzor, anzor muzaev, the exam was held regularly, and the work has beenot saying that our system is ideal, which means whoever dives into... he understands some nuances, why this or that decision is made, this is on the surface, it seems that people don’t know this, it could be done easily, that is , i say again, we have an exam almost in nine-hour zones, like this a huge number of children take the test in different geographical conditions, many of our republics are bilingual, that is, i can list and list these unknowns in this equation and so that the equation turns out... not crooked, that means, but solvable, yes, so to speak, we need to take all these unknowns into account give out the product, zhamuzaev suggested that critics prepare a worthy alternative, but so far there are no such proposals, all the talk about returning to the old exam system only shakes the air, however, the head of rosubornadzor is sure that since such conversations have resumed, we need a new social contract that parents would conclude among themselves associations, subject ma