i think it's really interesting that if this was you know rks january 15th, 2000, that aol and time warner would have just merged. and i was reading a lot about this on the "new york times" yesterday. $350 billion is what it's estimated that merger was worth and people said that it was going to change the landscape of the internet, it was going to change the way that news was reported and all of this. and if anyone would have said, you know, 10 years ago that it would be just a flop, no one would have believed you, so my question for each of the panelists is, what do we believe today, that in two years or five years or 10 years is -- people are just going to say i can't believe we believed that. >> about technology? >> yeah. gentleman. >> that's deep. >> after -- everybody found their facebook predictions. >> well, i think, and i don't know, we have to look at how technology is advancing that. i mean, things that took two years to create a year ago, will take half the time today. it's moving -- history says that psychology is advancing -- that technology is advancing so rapidly, so this co