ukrainian nationalists acted based on what the political situation was in the fall of '42 years, aoun'sthat soon the red army will go back, stalingrad has already happened, there have already been more or it's less clear what's going on. the idea was that at the time of the german retreat, and before the arrival of the red army, it would be possible to seize the territory to create a state that could receive the support of the western allies, and thus plans for creating an independent ukraine... could be brought to life. the head of the security service of the organization of ukrainian nationalists, nikolai lebed, told his fighters: we are not talking about tens or hundred thousand. we are talking about all poles , from old people to children. we need to rid our land of this once and for all. rumps. aun's fighters immediately responded with cleanliness. it takes a lot of blood for it to come. they drove them to the square and hacked them to death with axes, just imagine this picture when defenseless people, children, old people, women, men, are simply slaughtered in the square with axes