at the end of his life, franklin list, aovidential believer in the duties of worship and benevolence,and he expected god would rule in a final judgment. that's pretty good. then he continued. as to jesus of nazareth, my you desire, im think the system of morals in religion are the best the world will likely see. he still had doubts. christ's teachings have had a corrupting changes. he's not sure that he can trust what the new testament said about jesus's life and teachings. i have some doubts as to his divinity. those a question i do not dogma ties upon. having never studied it. franklin never doubted how admirable christ's moral teachings were. he did not know if he can accept the claims about jesus. it needless tot busy myself with it now when i expect soon an opportunity of knowing the truth with less trouble. there he is joking again. he knows he's going to be dead soon. he is going to find out if he was right or not. he just wasn't sure if he could no the truth about christ, salvation, he was going to find out soon. in spite of his qualms about traditional christianity, he saw no