the indian tribes apache chenovahu and pueblo lived here by the beginning of the 19th century, the territory of new mexico became part of the mexican empire in the middle of the century after the us war with mexico, which the americans officially annexed this land, by the way, a lot of free land and few people in the territory in 315.000 m². only 2 million people live. not in mexico, the fifth largest us state. and in terms of the number of inhabitants, they occupy only thirty-sixth place it was here that the national laboratory in los alamas during the second world war was working on the manhattan project to create nuclear weapons and in the summer of 45 here in the alla magorda desert the first tests of the atomic bomb were carried out. a plutonium bomb was tested, a thing called. here the explosion was equivalent to the explosion of 21 kilotons of wasted, this event is considered the beginning of the human nuclear era. january 6, 1943 exactly 80 years ago, by the decree of the presidium of the supreme soviet of the ussr in the red army were shoulder straps were introduced a month later, t